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Making I.T. Happen
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Sage 50 Report Designer Expressions

The Report designer has a lot of functions available to it, and unfortunately the IF expression is poorly if not wrongly documented and some functions user will be used to using in products such as Excel, OpenOffice and LibreOffice are not there!

Not all functions are available in all versions of Sage Accounts. To check if a function is available in your version open the designer and in the Expression Editor window, the Functions pane lists the available functions. 

Upgrading your report designer to the latest version is advised.

Problem and Missing Functions - Functions you may want to find that are not there and how to do the same thing!

Missing something, want a function you can't find, then make a wish here.  If you have had enough, we can write reports for you.

Expressions can be nested, to date I have not found a limit to the level of nesting.

Expressions can be nested, to date I have not found a limit to the level of nesting.


FunctionReason for useOther information
left(value,integer )Returns the number of characters requested from the left side of a string

This function does not exist


The following function returns the same thing as a left(SALES_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF,X) function would




FunctionReason for useOther information
right(value,integer )Returns the number of characters requested from the right side of a string

This function does not exist


The following function returns the same thing as a right(SALES_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF,X) function would





FunctionReason for useOther information
mid(value,integer1,integer2)Returns the number of characters requested from the string starting at integer1 and going for integer2 characters

This function does not exist


The substring function returns the same thing.  mid(SALES_LEDGER.ACCOUNT_REF,X,Y) function would be







FunctionReason for useOther information
Ceiling( )Determines the closest integer that is more than the specified number. It rounds up


The following function returns a customer account balance of £20.11 as £21.00:


This is almost the equivalent of Floor(SALES_LEDGER.BALANCE)+1 but not quite... can you see the difference?


FunctionReason for useOther information
Concat( )To combine two values into one, creating a new value. 


  • To combine the word Tel: and the customer's telephone number into one field, making it easier to align and move, use the following function:

  • You can also use Concat function to get the currency symbol to print directly in front of a numeric value when using foreign trader. For example, to get the currency symbol to print directly before the INVOICE.FOREIGN_INVOICE_GROSS, use the following function:


    Note: The properties of the FormatString expression must be set to signed. If not, when running the layout, the following message appears: 'Sage.expressions.DefaultLibraries.Accounts.Unsigned(system.string) is not defined.'
  • I don't use this expresion much, probably because you can achieve the same thing by appending strings to each other with the + operand eg CURRENCY.SYMBOL+FormatString("{0:N2}",(INVOICE.FOREIGN_INVOICE_GROSS)) which to my mind reads much more easily.


FunctionReason for useOther information
Contains( )Searches for characters in a string.
  • If the statement is true it shows a value of 1, if it's false it shows 0.
  • This function is case sensitive.


  • If a customer's fifth address line contains the uppercase letters NE, the following function returns 1 (TRUE). else it returns 0 (FALSE)

    Contains(SALES_LEDGER.ADDRESS_5, "NE")

  • If the customer's fifth address line contains the uppercase letters NE, the following function returns the line. If not, it returns an empty string:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Count( )Counts the number of instances on a report.
  • If added to a details section it shows a running count.
  • If added to a footer section it shows the total count for the group or the report.


To count the number of customer records on a report:



FunctionReason for useOther information
CountIf( )Counts the number of instances on a report if the specified conditions are satisfied.
  • If added to a details section it shows a running count.
  • If added to a footer section it shows the total count for the group or the report.
  • This function is not case sensitive.


To count the number of customer records on a report that contain an A in the account reference:



FunctionReason for useOther information
CountUnique( )Counts the number of unique instances of a specified variable. 


On the Product Profit by Customer - Itemised report, to show the number of unique products purchased by a customer:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Cstring( )Converts a numeric field to an alphanumeric string or text.

You can use this in Email Options > Subject to show a numeric value, as numeric variables in the email subject line generate the message:

'You must enter an expression that returns a system string value.'


  • To convert an invoice number to an alphanumeric string:


  • To show the text Sales Invoice and the invoice number on an email subject line:

    "Sales Invoice" + " " + CString(INVOICE.INVOICE_NUMBER)


FunctionReason for useOther information
DateTimeToFormattedString( )Controls how dates appear.
  • You can use this for grouping reports by date.
  • You can use this in conjunction with If statements on column based reports.
  • Using this function, you can separate the date values with various characters, for example / or -.
  • A common use of this function in Sage Accounts is to show dates in the subject lines of emails.


  • To show an invoice date in the format dd/MM/yyyy:

    DateTimeToFormattedString(INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE, "dd/MM/yyyy")

  • To show only the month part of an invoice date, for example, 01, 02, 03 and so on:

    DateTimeToFormattedString(INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE, "MM")
  • To show the month and year of an invoice date, for example, September 2011:

    DateTimeToFormattedString(INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE, "MMMM yyyy")

  • To show the company name and invoice date on an email subject line:

    COMPANY.NAME + " " + DateTimeToFormattedString(INVOICE.INVOICE_DATE, "dd-MM-yyyy")


FunctionReason for useOther information
DayfromDate( )Returns the day part of a date. 


If a customer's account was opened on 14/02/2001, the following function shows 14:


I have used this extensively in statement layouts to show conditional text depending on the ages of the debt (and to calculate the days overdue)


FunctionReason for useOther information
EndsWith( )

Displays whether or not a string ends with a specified character.

  • If the statement is true it shows a value of 1, if it's false it shows 0.
  • You can use this with If statements.
  • This function is case sensitive.


  • If the customer's account reference ends with R, the following function displays 1. If not, it displays 0:


  • If the customer's account reference ends with R, the following function displays the account reference. If not, it displays nothing:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Floor( )Determines the closest integer that is less than the specified number. It rounds down.
You can use this to display pounds when displaying pounds and pence separately.


  • The following function displays a customer account balance of £75.85 as £75.00:


  • The following function displays the pounds element of an invoice total:


    Tip: To display the pence element, the following expression subtracts the Floor value from the original value:



FunctionReason for useOther information
If( )To display certain values depending on the condition specified.
  • This can be used in conjunction with other functions.
  • You can nest If statements to build up more complicated arguments.
  • The ? command is equivalent to Then.
  • The : command is equivalent to Else.

This function is badly documented: The function does exist and is used in conditional formating espressions, however for normal if statements you need to use the form

<Expression>?<expression to use if true>:<expression to use if false>

The IF is implied, the ? is THEN and : is ELSE 


  • When viewing prior year values, sales nominal codes show negative values. The following function states that if the nominal code is within the sales nominal code 4000, then reverse the signing. Otherwise display the value as normal:


  • The following nested If statements calculate the VAT element of a product sales price, based on the product record tax code:

    STOCK.TAX_CODE Like "T1" ? STOCK.SALES_PRICE * 0.175 : STOCK.TAX_CODE Like "T2" ? 0 : STOCK.TAX_CODE Like "T3" ? STOCK.SALES_PRICE * 0.05 : 0

For further information about constructing If statement expressions, please refer to article 17511.

Note: that in this explanation of the function, they do not use the function!


FunctionReason for useOther information
Indexof( )Finds the position of a particular character in a string.This can be combined with the Substring function to only return the value of a field up to a certain character.


  • To find the position of the first space in a customer's contact name:

    IndexOf(SALES_LEDGER.CONTACT_NAME," ") - returns the position of the first space

  • You can then combine this function with the substring function to return the first name held in the SALES_LEDGER.CONTACT_NAME as follows:

  • Alternatively, to show only the surname of a customer's contact name:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Length( )Displays how many characters exist in a string. 


To display how many characters appear in a customer's account reference:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Max( )Displays the maximum value in a sequence.
  • If added to the details section it shows the maximum value at that point on the report.
  • If added to a footer it shows the maximum value for the group or the report.


To show the highest net amount on a transaction report:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Min( )Displays the minimum value in a sequence.
  • If added to the details section it shows the minimum value at that point on the report.
  • If added to a footer it shows the minimum value for the group or the report.


To show the lowest net amount on a transaction report:



FunctionReason for useOther information
MonthfromDate( )Returns the month part of a date. 


If a customer's account was opened on 14/02/2001, the following function shows 2:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Now( )
Displays the current PC date.
  • As it is not possible to use the REPORT.DATE variable in an expression, the Now() function can be used instead.
  • Shows the PC date and not the Sage software date.


  • To show the PC date on a report:

    Now( )

  • To show a date 30 days from now:

    Now( ) + 30


FunctionReason for useOther information
PadLeft( )

To ensure a field contains a certain number of characters, this function inserts additional characters to the left of the value. The function is written as:

PadLeft(the value to pad, the character used to pad the field, the number of characters the field should contain)

When using this function with a numeric field, you must also use CString to convert the numeric value to an alphanumeric string.


  • On an invoice layout, to always display the invoice number as a 6 digit number, use the following function:


    Using the above function, an invoice number of 1 appears as 000001 and an invoice number of 123 appears as 000123.

  • On a product report, to always show stock codes with 10 characters, use the following function:



FunctionReason for useOther information
PadRight( )

To ensure a field contains a certain number of characters, this function inserts additional characters to the right of the value. The function is written as:

PadRight(the value to pad, the character used to pad the field, the number of characters the field should contain)

When using this function with a numeric field, you must also use CString to convert the numeric value to an alphanumeric string.


  • On a product report, to always show stock codes with 10 characters, use the following function:



FunctionReason for useOther information
ParseDateTime( )Converts alphanumeric fields to date fields for use in expressions and filters.

For each record the relevant database value must contain a date and must be in a recognised date format. If not, when running the report, the following message appears:

'String was not recognised as a valid DateTime.'


To convert the first line within Invoice List > New /Edit > Order Details > Notes to a date field in a report:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Previous( )To change a value based on the previous line value.You can use this with If statements.


On a report showing each invoice item line and displaying the invoice number, the invoice number repeats for each of its item lines. To show an asterisk against the first item line of each invoice reference:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Remove( )Removes a specified number of characters from a stated starting point in the string.You must always enter the starting position, where the first character is 0, and the number of characters to remove.


  • Where a customer's account reference is ABC123, the following function removes the first 3 characters and displays 123:


  • Where a customer's account reference is ABC123, the following function removes the third and fourth characters and displays AB23:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Replace( )Replaces the specified character in a string with another character.
This function is case sensitive.


  • If the invoice order number is 1231, the following function displays the order number as A23A:

    Replace(INVOICE.ORDER_NUMBER, "1", "A")

  • If the transaction paid flag is Y, the following function displays the value as Yes:

    Replace(AUDIT_HEADER.PAID_FLAG, "Y", "Yes")


FunctionReason for useOther information
RoundDP( )Specifies the number of decimal places that a variable rounds to.You can use this to avoid slight rounding differences between Sage Accounts and Report Designer.


  • To round a transaction net amount to zero decimal places:


  • To round a transaction net amount to two decimal places:



FunctionReason for useOther information
StartsWith( )Displays whether or not a string starts with a specified character.
  • If the statement is true it shows a value of 1, if it's false it shows 0.
  • You can use this with If statements.
  • This function is case sensitive.


  • If the customer's account reference starts with R, the following function displays 1. If not, it displays 0:


  • If the customer's account reference starts with R, the following function displays the account reference. If not, it displays nothing:



FunctionReason for useOther information
StringToFloat( )Converts alphanumeric fields to numeric fields for use in expressions and filters, when the fields contain decimal numbers.

If the report is run for fields containing non numeric information, the following message appears:

'Input string is not in correct format.'


  • To multiply the quantity in stock by a number entered in Product Record > Location:


  • To multiply values entered in the transaction references by 10:

    StringToFloat(AUDIT_HEADER.INV_REF) * 10


FunctionReason for useOther information
StringToInteger( )Converts alphanumeric fields to numeric fields for use in expressions and filters, when the fields contain whole numbers.

If you run the report for fields containing non numeric information, the following message appears:

'Input string is not in correct format.'


  • To multiply the quantity in stock by a number entered in Product Record > Location:


  • To multiply values entered in the transaction references by 10:

    StringToInteger(AUDIT_HEADER.INV_REF) * 10


FunctionReason for useOther information
Substring( )

Displays part of a string from a specified starting point.

The function assigns the first character in a value the number 0, each subsequent character is numbered incrementally. For example, in the text ABCDE, A is equal to 0, B is equal to 1, and so on.

  • You can use this in conjunction with Cstring and StringToInteger to convert fields of one type to another.
  • This function only works with alphanumeric values.
  • If required, use the CString function to convert a numeric field to alphanumeric before performing the Substring function.
  • You can use this function within sorts and expressions.


  • If an invoice order number is ABC123, the following function displays BC123:


    1 refers to the starting point in the string.

  • If an invoice order number is ABC123, the following function displays BC1:


    1 refers to the starting point in the string and 3 refers to the number of characters to display.

  • You can use a combination of the StringToInteger( ) and Substring( ) functions to sort a report by tax code. The following function converts a tax code into a numeric value, for example, T1 converts to numeric 1:

    StringToInteger(Substring(AUDIT_SPLIT.TAX_CODE, 1))

  • To calculate the nominal code name length and then display the last 4 characters:

  • You can use a combination of Substring( ) and Length( ) to ensure a value contains a certain number of characters. The following function adds zeros to the left of a purchase order number, ensuring that the number is always 5 digits long:


    To change the length of the number that appears, increase or decrease the number of zeros in the function.

    Tip: You can also achieve this using the PadLeft( ) function.
  • The following function shows the first digit of a numeric order number:



FunctionReason for useOther information
SumIf( )

To total only the values that meet the condition specified. The function is written as:

SumIf(the value to sum, the condition that is to be met)

The Properties > Function should be set to None.


  • On an aged debtors report, to display the total for sales invoice (SI) transactions only, use the following function:



FunctionReason for useOther information
ToLower( )Converts the field to lower case.


To convert a customer's account reference to lower case:



FunctionReason for useOther information
ToUpper( )Converts the field to upper case. 


When printing invoices or credit notes, to convert the words invoice or credit note to upper case:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Trim( )Removes any spaces from a string. 


If an invoice order number is 123 B 22, including the spaces, the following function displays the order number as 123B22:



FunctionReason for useOther information
TrimEnd( )Removes all the spaces from the end of a string. 


If an order number is 1_2_3_, where _ represents a space, the following function displays the order number as 1_2_3:



FunctionReason for useOther information
TrimStart( )Removes all the spaces from the beginning of a string. 


If an invoice order number is _1_2_3, where _ represents a space, the following function displays the order number as 1_2_3:



FunctionReason for useOther information
Truncate( )Rounds a value to the nearest whole number in the direction of zero.
  • In the case of negative values, the number rounds up towards zero. For example, -100.30 rounds up to -100.00.


  • To round a commission value down to the nearest whole value, use the following function:

    Truncate(AUDIT_SPLIT.NET_AMOUNT * 0.05)


FunctionReason for useOther information
YearfromDate( )Returns the year part of a date. 


If a customer's account was opened on 14/02/2001, the following function shows 2001:



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