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Making I.T. Happen
Accounting and Information Technology, Assistance and Support
Extra Advanced Sage 50 Imports

Whilst writing custom imports is our forte, there are several standard import formats that do not require any customisation to use and some Extra detailed below some of these are not designed to be used by the everyday user and fulfil technical and potentially dangerous functions.

SOP Quote Unit Price to Special Customer Price
Just Export Invoices
L50 Invoice Export for Import
L50 Service Invoice Export for Import
Just Invoice Import from Exported
L50 Invoice Import from Exported
Customer Matched Payment Allocation on Invoice Ref
L50 Sales Order Export for Import
L50 Sales Order Export for Import
L50 Sales Order Import from Exported
L50 Purchase Order Export for Import
L50 Purchase Order Import from Exported
Designs Trial Kitting Purchase Suggestions to POs
Selective Customer Payment Allocation
Redate Deleted Audit Trail Transactions extra
Redate Deleted Audit Trail Transactions
Import SpicerF2.dat to Sage 50 Products
Import SpicerF2 CSV to Sage 50 Products
Import Customer Price List references
Fix Zero Category Products
Import Kingfield Heath CSV to Sage 50 Products
Import Kingfield Heath CSV to Sage 50 Non-Stock Products
Customer Payment Allocation for zero balance accounts
Supplier Payment Allocation for zero balance accounts
Import L50 Customer Scheme Discount Type
Kill Sage 50 Product Activity
Kill Sage 50 Product
Import L50 Product Cost Prices from CSV
Import Price List Prices with specific Discount Types
Import Sage 50 Product Web tab data from CSV
Import Sage 50 Product Web tab data from CSV (" escaped ")
Patch Stock Transaction Links
Force Real Zero Sage 50 Product QTY_IN_STOCK
Import Supplier Price List Prices for one or more accounts
Force Negative Stock OFF
Modify Sage 50 Stock Code
Cancel out selected SA and SR transactions
Cancel out selected SA and SR transactions
Modify Sage 50 Sales Order Quote Status
Export Default Customer and Supplier Currency
Import Default Customer and Supplier Currency
Export Specific Nominal Fields
Import Specific Nominal Fields
Set Stock Last Purchase Price from Purchase Orders
L50 Purchase Order Export for Import
L50 Purchase Order Import from Exported
Redate Stock Transactions
Reset Exchange Rates
Import "Special Customer Price" Prices with specific Discount Types
Export selected PI PC PP PA and PD transactions as Sage 50 style CSV
Export selected PI PC PP PA PD and PR trans as Sage 50 style CSV
Import L50 Product Description plus Sales & Cost Prices from CSV
Clear out Sage 50 Product BOMs
Export Selected Sage 50 Invoice data to csv
Export data from selected Sage 50 Invoices to csv
L50 Sales Transaction Export by Posted Date
L50 Sales Transaction Export by Record Number
L50 Sales Transaction Export by Tran Number
L50 Sales Transactions Import from Exported with A/C translation
L50 Sales Transactions Import from Exported
Modify Sage 50 Customer Reference
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) with Pay Details to Inv Ref Matched Allocation
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) with Pay Details to Inv Ref Matched Allocation
Stock Transaction Export for FIFO cost editing
Stock Transaction Import for FIFO cost adjustment
Customer Payment Allocation for zero balance or in credit accounts
Modify Sage 50 Supplier Reference
Export unpaid Supplier transactions as Sage 50 style CSV
Export unpaid Customer transactions as Sage 50 style CSV
Export part paid Supplier transactions as Sage 50 style CSV
Export part paid Customer transactions as Sage 50 style CSV
Import Receipts
Import and Allocate Bottomline WinBACS Receipts
Zero Balance Allocation
Import Sage 50 Product Sales & Purchase Nominal Codes
Export Sage 50 Customer Memos & Credit Memos as CSV
Export Sage 50 Customer Memos & Credit Memos as xml
Convert Product Invoices to Order Based Invoices
Import L50 BOMs from CSV
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) Matched Allocation by Ref
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) Matched Allocation by Ref
Import L50 Invoicing Module product invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v11 and below)
Import L50 Invoicing Module product invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v12 and above)
Import L50 Invoicing Module service invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v11 and below)
Import L50 Invoicing Module service invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v12 and above)
Import L50 auto-numbered Invoicing Module product invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v11 and below)
Import L50 auto-numbered Invoicing Module product invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v12 and above)
Import L50 auto-numbered Invoicing Module service invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v11 and below)
Import L50 auto-numbered Invoicing Module service invoices from Audit Trail Transaction style CSV (v12 and above)
Import Receipts
Import and Allocate BACS PayAway Receipts
Zero Balance Allocation
Export Customer Currency
Export Supplier Currency
Export Bank Currency
Import Customer Currency
Import Supplier Currency
Import Bank Currency
Export selected "Price List" Prices for import elsewhere
Export selected "Price Lists" for import elsewhere
Export selected "Special Customer Price" Prices for import elsewhere
Import selected "Price List" Prices from preprepared export files
Import selected "Price Lists" from preprepared export files
Import selected "Special Customer Price" Prices from preprepared export files
Export Sage 50 Currency Records
Import Sage 50 Currency Records
Import Sage 50 Department Names
Import Sage 50 Category Names
Un-Bank Reconcile Audit Trail Transactions
Sales Invoice Unit Price to Special Customer Price
Merge Sage 50 Products
TECH: Update Customers
TECH: Update Suppliers
TECH: Update Nominals
TECH: Update Audit Headers
TECH: Update Audit Splits
Bulk deletion of Sage 50 invoices
TECH: Audit Split Export by Posted Date
TECH: Audit Split Export by Record Number
TECH: Audit Split Export by Tran Number
Import Sage 50 Discount Scheme (Compact)
Export Customers (L50 extended CSV)
Export Customers (L50 standard CSV)
Export Suppliers (L50 extended CSV)
Export Suppliers (L50 standard CSV)
Sage 50 invoice number checker
Export Specific Asset Fields
Import Specific Asset Fields
Fix invalid Product Item Types
Export Products (L50 extended CSV)
Export Products (L50 standard CSV)
Export Product Web Tab Data in CSV format
Product Commodity Code and Description Import
TECH: Sage 50 v14/v2008 Access Review
TECH: Sage 50 v10 Access Review
Export L50 Tax Code Data T0 - T9
Export Stock Discount Schemes
Import Stock Memo from CSV
TECH: Update Audit Usages
Export Customer Balance & Status to CSV
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref
Mark Invoice as NOT POSTED
Mark Invoice as POSTED
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref (whole Details)
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref (whole Details)
Force Sales Order Recalculation
Repopulate Sales Order Tax Codes WITHOUT Recalculation
Repopulate Sales Order Tax Codes and Force Recalculation
Force Invoicing Module Recalculation
Repopulate Invoicing Module Tax Codes WITHOUT Recalculation
Repopulate Invoicing Module Tax Codes and Force Recalculation
T1 Customers to T10
T1 Products to T10
T1 Suppliers to T10
Cancel out selected SI transactions
Cancel out selected SI transactions
L50 CSV Customer Import - Extended Plus
Export Stock Transactions (L50 standard CSV)
Replace Details in specific audit trail headers
TECH: Audit Header Export
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) with Inv Ref to Inv Ref Matched Allocation
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) with Inv Ref to Inv Ref Matched Allocation
Supplier Matched Payment Allocation on Invoice Ref
Comprehensive Product and Discount Scheme Import
SOP consignment number import
Export Sage 50 Department Names
Import Sage 50 Department Names
Selective Supplier Payment Allocation
Force L50 Product Allocation Quantity from CSV
Export Customer Del Addrs
Import Customer Del Addrs
Import receipts with allocation by matching invoice ref
Import Customer Account Status
Export Audit Transactions (L50 extended CSV v12 and above)
Export Audit Transactions (L50 standard CSV)
Silent Sales Transaction Audit Header Export
BOM Dismantler
Sales Order Import from basic CSV
Reduced validation stock import
Export Sage 50 Supplier Memos as CSV
Export Sage 50 Supplier Memos as xml
Export Sage 50 Product Memos as CSV
Export Sage 50 Product Memos as xml
Batch Tax Code change for Products
Batch Tax Code change for Customers
Batch Tax Code change for Suppliers
Kill Sage 50 Products
Export Customer Default Del Addrs
Import Customer Default Del Addrs
Customer Matched Payment Allocation Details to Invoice Ref
Product Monthly Budget Quantity Import
Import relevant Prices from preprepared export files
Delete selected "Customer Price List" Prices
Delete selected "Special Customer Price" Prices
Check and Correct BOM links and levels
Import Sage 50 Invoicing invoices with predeterminted VAT from csv
Sage 50 Invoice export with Customer and Product field based sort order
Tidy Products Module
Change Sage Company Name
Customer Matched Payment Allocation by Multiple Ref (whole Details)
Export of Product Barcode data using generic datatype
Import of Product Barcode data using generic datatype
Export Customer Bank Details
Generate Parcelforce Batch Import File
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) ignoring ZERO value lines
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) ignoring ZERO value lines
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) Matched Allocation by Invoice Details Suffix to Payment Ref
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) Matched Allocation by Invoice Details Suffix to Payment Ref
Customer Matched Payment Allocation with Pay Details to Inv Ref Matching
Detailed ExactOnly Selective Customer Payment Allocation
ExactOnly Selective Customer Payment Allocation
Prepare Reversing Credit Note from Existing Invoice
Copy Specific Customer Data Fields to Other Fields
Nullify Specific Customer Data Fields
Rearrange Specific Customer Data Fields
Import Spicer Bureau prices to Sage 50 Price List
Audit Trail import SagePay CSV
Export Invoice Currency
Import Invoice Currency
Export Nominal List
Export Department List
Export Sage 50 Customer Credit Control data to csv
Export Sage 50 Supplier Credit Control data to csv
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref (long whole Details)
Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above) Matched Allocation by Multiple Ref (long whole Details)
Populate blank Invoice Global N/C & Details
Import Customer Bank Tab Details
Import Supplier Bank Tab Details
Sales Order Import from basic CSV - with consolidation of items
Product Export with Line Numbering
Selective Matched Customer Payment Allocation
Delete Sage 50 Customers
Customer Payment Allocation for keylist accounts
Supplier Payment Allocation for keylist accounts
Export Nominal Account Type
Import Nominal Account Type
Ungrouped Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v11 and below)
Ungrouped Audit Trail import from L50 CSV (v12 and above)
Export Aged Customer Credit Data as CSV
Wildcard import of Customer specific Price Lists
Selective Customer Payment Allocation Matched on Invoice Ref
Selective Customer Payment Allocation Inv Ref matched to Payment Details Suffix
Selective Export of Customer Del Addrs
Sales Invoice Study Tool
Sales Order CSV Export
Selective Matched Customer Payment Allocation (Payment ref numeric suffix == Invoice month)
Selective Matched Supplier Payment Allocation (Payment ref numeric suffix == Invoice month)
Merge Sage 50 Customer Accounts
Merge Sage 50 Stock Code

Sage 50 Specialists: Pay-as-you-go Support, Sage Reports, Excel Reports, Consultancy, Integration, Help, Advice and more!Copyright - Making I.T. Happen 1995 - 2024
Website last updated 12/04/2024